Lucy Cohen

Lucy Cohen is the Founder of Mazuma and has become an accountancy industry disruptor. She’s an award-winning author, and celebrated keynote speaker.


Lucy Cohen’s website had 2 main problems:

  • Failed to represent: Lucy’s website didn’t reflect her bold, punk, non-conformist attitude to business and personality.

  • Lack of content: Lucy needed her website to be a hub for all of the things she’s actively doing - activism, keynote speaking, business coaching, and promoting her book.


To resolve these problems, I redesigned and built a Squarespace 7.1 website with the following solutions:

  • Crafted a punk inspired design style throughout the website, with hand-scribble graphics, bold typography, highlighted words, and angled section dividers. I made a stand-out colour palette that tied in the Mazuma purple.

  • Created a landing page for her business book which links to Amazon where people can buy online without the need to set up an e-commerce store.

  • Created a multiple pages to showcase each one of Lucy’s key activities and provide detailed content about it.

  • Created a landing page to promote her 1:1 business coaching service and allows people to book via Calendly.


Above average engagement from visitors

Analytics show that people are finding the website highly engaging and spending on average 98 seconds viewing each page, far exceeding industry standards of 54 seconds. This indicates that visitors are deeply engaged with our content and actively exploring Lucy’s offerings.

Above average conversion rate - more leads!

Forms have an average conversion rate of 11.8%, meaning many people who view the contact page also enquire and become a lead. The industry average is between 2 to 3%.

"The project came out way above my expectations. Emily was professional and responsive throughout - with a hefty dose of creative enthusiasm. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her."

Lucy Cohen

Can your website benefit from a redesign?

While it may seem like a daunting task, redesigning your website can reap significant benefits for your business. With my website design services, I can help guide you through the process and create a website that works better for your business.


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