Hi I’m Emily, Founder of TwoFold and a Squarespace website designer

After working in the marketing industry for several years, I kept noticing the same thing - beautiful websites with zero marketing consideration. They had limited SEO, poor copywriting, confusing design, and unclear services.

People would ask me for advertising campaigns when really they needed a website redesign first. That’s why I founded TwoFold and became a Squarespace website designer.

My mission is to help service businesses, like yours, get a website that actually works for their business by using my marketing knowledge. No fluff, no design for the sake of it, just good intentional well-thought-out strategic decisions. Because at the end of the day, why invest money in something that doesn't give a return?

From investigating why your current website isn't performing like you'd hoped, designing a custom Squarespace website, to optimising your website for SEO, and supporting your business by ticking off your website to-do list - I can help.

Get yourself a website that outshines competitors, attracts more clients, and increases enquiries for your services.

Your Squarespace specialist

Previously, I would create websites on WordPress. However, after speaking with many service businesses, I noticed that they wanted one thing - to be able to update their site themselves with ease! So I listened. I adapted my service to focus on Squarespace websites which provide a user-friendly interface that allows even the most non-techy folk to be able to manage their website, all without compromising on design or features.

Making your website your best salesperson


Making your website your best salesperson /






Emily Lewis squarespace website designer helping client with their business website

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Get my FREE Ultimate Checklist:
Unlock 38 Secrets to Building a Website That Converts Like Crazy

Trouble getting website visitors to become clients? Get this 38-point checklist to know what to include on your website and why it’s crucial for your business!

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